Friday, September 3, 2010


hAPPY 9 mONTH bIRTHDAY lITTLE bIRDIE! these were both so cute I had to share both of them!
Miss Molly Reed...
I cannot believe you are 9 months old and we will be celebrating your 1st birthday in just 3 short months!!! I feel like you just joined our family a few months ago! It makes me sad that you are growing up so fast but I truly feel like each stage is better than the last! You are wanting to get down and be right in the middle of whatever your big brothers are doing these love your "bu-ba's" so much!!
We celebrated your birthday today with a quick picnic at the park {where our sweet mimi broke her wrist!!} and then your 1st Edmond Bulldog football game tonight! You were a bit of a turkey at the game and fussed through most of it....but you did love watching the cheerleaders at half time!!!
at nINE mONTHS you are...
*22.8 pounds!!! (96%)
*27 1/4 inches long (40%)
*don't remember what your head measured but it was 91%
*eating all table want nothing to do with baby food! you are a great little eater!!! you love yogurt, grilled cheese, fruit, nutri grain bars, peas, carrots, and lots of other stuff!!! You will pretty much try anything....but baby food!!!
*you LOVE your mommy!!! you say "ma mama" so it sounds like you are saying My momma...I LOVE it! the boys did not say momma very early so it's like music to my ears!
*you are VERY verbal and "talk" a lot!!! da-da, bubba, ma-ma, ninny....
*you think you can try to get down of my lap when I'm holding you and then seem frustrated when your little legs don't work the way your big brothers do!
*you wear size 4 diapers
* you wear 12-18 month clothes
*working on crawling...but can't quite figure it out...but I am honestly kind of happy!! my life will be crazy with three that can move!
*you are the most loved little girl!


the soon to be skinny girl said...

SO SWEET Laura!! I love the pics and all the little updates! She's just so precious!!

brittany said...

She is such a doll. She really needs to be on the cover of a magazine.