Thursday, August 19, 2010


My first baby started Kindergarten today.... jack, sam, and molly before school today...I love these sweet kiddos!

I found Jack the cutest little messenger bag a few weeks ago in Dallas! He loves it and thinks he looks like a big boy!!! He wore it around the house all morning and even in to one store before school started....

I try to change this little hutch out with seasonal decorations and I have been waiting to decorate it special for Jack's 1st day of school....

sammy was having no part of pictures by this here are three of my favorite people...the other one had a rough day today! Bless his heart!

bob met us for lunch before school...such a fun treat for the kids and me! we love our daddy!!!Jack has a super sweet teacher this year! Ms. Snow...I think she is going to be perfect for him!!!! We have done a lot of praying over where Jack was going to be this year and really wanted a certain school....until about two weeks ago it did not look like he was going to be able to go there....but God is so good and we got a call saying a spot had opened up!!! We know several sweet families there and I feel like he is exactly where he is supposed to be!!

he looks like such a big boy!!! he had the best day and loves school! when he got in the car he had a huge smile on his face!!!!

we are so proud of you jack robert!

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