Tuesday, July 20, 2010



pSALM 118:24

We are trying to enjoy every minute of these little cuties!!! They are getting so big!
Jack starts school in a little less than a month and my heart just breaks thinking about him being away from me every day! We are lucky that Edmond still has 1/2 day kindergarten so the transition shouldn't be too bad...and in the last few days I really feel like the Lord has changed my heart that this is a very exciting time for him and I want to be excited about it too...I LOVED school so much when I was little {not so much when I was older...} and I hope that he loves it too!! He tells me all the time that he is ready to go to big boy school where you sit at desks and do science and math!!!
funny jack story
Yesterday he was sitting at his little table in deep thought drawing on a magna doodle and when I asked him what he was doing he said "oh just designing something....it's an invention that is powered by the sun, that means it has a solar panel" ...he might be smarter than his mommy already!!! sweet boy!
Sam Thomas....this little guy is about the sweetest thing right now! He has such an ornery little side to him but when it comes down to it he might also be out sweetest of the three!!! Sam's wife is going to be a lucky girl because when he loves you he really knows how to make you feel so special! Usually this is Bob that gets all the love but this summer he has been pretty sweet to his mommy too!!! He is a snuggle bunny!!! He will just sit on your lap and grab your face and love on ya~it's about the best thing ever! Up until this point Sammy has always wanted to do everything that Jack does and be just like his big brother and this summer it has been so fun to see him turn into an independent little boy who has his own little ideas!!! I love watching him play and learn things on his own!!!
funny sammy story
The other day Jack was upset with something that Sammy was doing and said "Sam, if you don't stop you are going to see my dark side!" (maybe we are a little too into superheroes right now!!) well a few days later Sammy was annoyed with Jack and said "Jack you are going to see my hot side!!!" I asked him if he meant his dark side and he said "yeah, my dark side and my hot side!"
I LOVE these little boys!!!
Miss Molly....she is still our sweet little baby girl...BUT, she might be going through a little something right now....some people like to call it separation anxiety...I like to call it L-O-V-E!!! I mean if i leave the room to answer the door the girl has tears running down her face! it's pretty sad...but I know the day of her not wanting me to be around is right around the corner....so for today I am going to try to enjoy it!!!
Happy Summer!!!

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