Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a SUPER busy Easter weekend...but it was SO much FUN!!!
Bob was off work on Friday and we spent a great day together and took the boys to a yummy new cupcake place downtown...I will post about it later!
Then after dinner that night we colored Easter eggs! The boys thought it was lots of fun!!! One day last week MiMi came over and we did some fun little Easter crafts with the boys! One of them was this fun little house! MiMi used it on her table for Easter lunch! The boys were very proud!!
Here is a pic of the boys working on it!
On Saturday we went to Norman for the Noles/Hartsock/Liddell Egg hunt! It was so fun! They do such a great job! There were a TON of kids!!! They had a Easter bunny walking around taking pics with the kids and passing out gifts, balloons, crafts....It was wonderful! The boys found lots of eggs and we had a great time visiting with some friends that we haven't seen in a long time!
After that egg hunt we went back to Edmond for another one at MiMi's house! This is Easter day after church! I thought the boys looked so handsome in their Easter clothes! like little men!!!

This was the best pic I got of the boys having another egg hunt in Norman with their cousins Zach and Ryan! It's hard to get a good pic with 1 four year old and 3 two year olds!!!!
Our family!
The boys with my cousin Elizabeth! They LOVE her so much.... it is so sweet! She is almost 13 and she is so good with them! Jack pretends like she calls him all the time and it is so cute to hear his little conversations with her! Sammy has started doing it too! He will pick up the play phone and say "Oh, hi ba-biz-a-bef!"
We hope everyone had a great Easter!!! The best part of the whole thing was on Monday we were at lunch and Jack said..."do you want to hear my Bible verse?" I thought he was talking about his alphabet verses that he has known for a long time now....but instead he said "Matthew 28:6 He is not here, He has risen, just as He said He would!"
It was the sweetest thing!

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