Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Here are a few recent pics of the boys.... Sammy playing soccer at Grandma's house
The boys being silly! They found their rain boots and wanted to wear them!
Eating lollipops from their party!
I tried to get a few pics in Jade and Angie's backyard...didn't have much luck!
I did love this one...sweet little smiles!
I know it's mean to take a picture of him while he was crying...but how cute is he?
My big four year old!!! He is up in the fort with Dax!

We are so blessed! I know every parent thinks their kids are so smart and so funny...but I am telling you these little boys are pretty special! They are at such fun stages right now and they are little buddies! Sammy is Jack's little shadow and it is so sweet to watch him want to be like his big brother! They have so much fun together and Bob and I have so much fun watching!

Some fun facts about the Jarvis boys!

Jack: He thinks he can do EVERYTHING now that he is four! He will buckle his seat and say "you know why I can do that? because I'm four!" It is so sweet to see how excited he is to grow up and do new things! He is starting soccer this weekend and he is SUPER excited about it! He is the only boy on the team and I still think he is the smallest! I really worried that it might bother him being the only boy...but all the girls were chasing him around and I actually think he kind of liked it!!! After the soccer meeting we went as a family to buy all of his soccer gear and he was so proud of it that he wore it ALL day! He has the sweetest spirit and is so in tune with people's feelings! He is such a smart little boy and he loves learning! He will be telling me a story and stop mid sentence to explain a word that he is using...he'll say "mom, do you know what that means? it means..." it is so funny!

Sammy: Oh, my little Sammy! He is so adventurous and just kind of tough....very opposite of his big brother! He is two but thinks he is 22! He makes me laugh before I get out of bed almost every morning! He is a very early riser so we usually let him drink a cup of milk in our bed every morning just so we can sleep a little longer! He can't wait for me to look at him and he says "hi mom!" in the sweetest little voice and usually as loud as he can! He talks ALL the time! It is crazy to think that we were ever worried about him talking because he won't stop now! Both boys are very into Herbie right now! We play "slug bug" a lot in the car when we see one...but Sammy for some reason says "ohhhh...herbie da bug" every time he sees one! It is the funniest thing! He also says "I wanna baf tub" every morning when he wants to take a bath! He is my little snuggle bug right now! Sammy thinks he is playing soccer too...so the game this weekend should be interesting!!!
We are so blessed!

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