Monday, November 30, 2009

Fall Program

Jack had his first school program the other night and it was so cute! I might have even shed a few tears! I was so proud of him! Before we left he was so nervous and said he didn't want to do it if it was on the stage...and then when we got there he was so excited to see his sweet friends and teachers and he did GREAT!!!! Here he is on the top row on the end! They looked so little up there!!!
Jack with the sweet music teacher Miss Connie! Jack LOVES Miss Connie so much!
This was a picture of the boys before we left...Jack not so excited about the program at this point....
The Star of the show with his BIGGEST fans!!!! {Poppy, MiMi, PaPa, and Grandma}
Another pic of all the cute kiddos! Jack is on the top left corner.
Jack wants to be a little man so bad {really he just wants to be a little Bob Jarvis} He was SO proud of his dress socks! That is the first thing he told Miss Mary {his teacher} when he saw her....and this is him showing them off to the grandparents after the show!
Jack with one of our favorite little friends Olivia!
How cute are they?!?!

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