We are working like crazy to get ready for Molly Reed! The boys are so excited and LOVE helping with all of the projects! Jack has told me several times in the last month that he wants to be a man! It is the cutest thing! If Bob is changing a light bulb or anything he wants to hold the ladder... On Saturday he told Bob "call Jade and Poppy and lets just do some real man things!" MiMi came over to help paint the room and she had two very good helpers! She gave them each a brush and they LOVED it!!!
We are so excited about this little baby girl! The boys talk about their baby sister all the time!! Sammy will put his face up to my belly and say "oh, she hit me! put she in time out!" I don't know that he really understands that there is a little person that is going to come and live at our house soon! He calls her "baby Sisser" or "baby ma-we" ..it's super cute! Both boys talk about "their baby" all the time! I love that they feel involved and are excited!
As far as pregnancies go this one is by far my easiest! (knock on wood!) I was never really sick in the beginning like I was with the boys. We have a new doctor this time and he has been fabulous! We feel so blessed to be going there and as much as we LOVED our old doctor we feel like him and his office are a much better fit for our family this time! We have had an ultrasound at almost every appointment and it has been so sweet to see her grow!
PINK is the BEST! How fun!
PINK is the BEST! How fun!
I'm so excited for you. I can't wait to see that Pink room all done up! I'll be so darling!
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