Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Jack Robert is the funniest little guy right now!
He LOVES American Idol...or Miracle Idol as he calls it! He holds a little pillow and if he thinks they are bad he holds it up over his face! It is so funny...the other night I was singing to him and he looks at me with this really serious look and said, "I'm gonna say yes to you, here's your ticket....WELCOME TO HOLLYWOOD!!!!" I was laughing so hard!!


Anonymous said...

Love this story! I was laughing out loud!!!

Bobbi said...

That little guy has been HILARIOUS since he could talk! He always comes up with the funniest things!

Allyson Bibb said...

That is the funniest thing Ive heard in a long time! We MISS you guys! Please come see us!

Nicole Knox said...

Sweet Boy!

laneandbrittany said...

such a funny story! I was laughing out loud!!