Saturday, January 3, 2009

i heart my boys

Here are a few pictures that I took of the boys the other day....Sammy is so fun right now! He has turned into a little boy all of a sudden and I'm not quite sure when it happened! He is talking like crazy and is ALL BOY! He loves to play trucks with his brother and he will wrestle with anyone!!! He gets in bed with us every morning and loves to snuggle but as soon as he is done and wants to start his day he climbs down and motions for you to come with his little hand and says "c'mon!" It is the cutest thing! I love this little face!
This is Jack's new best buddy...Side Step...he is a Tonka dump truck that he got last year for Christmas and probably hasn't touched for the whole year! Over the last few months he has really gotten into trucks and cars and building things....He LOVES this truck and races it around the house all day long! If he does something naughty like run into his buddy Ella or his mommy...he quickly says "it wasn't me, it was Side Step!" Jack has quite the imagination these days and I love to sit and just listen to the funny things he comes up with!
On New Years we were at the dinner table talking about the new year and I was trying to explain to him what a resolution was...I told him that at the start of a new year it's nice to set goals and asked him if he had any goals, he said "yeah, I want to learn how to play the drums" then I asked Bob and he said to eat healthier...Jack said "oh yeah mom, I have two....learn how to play the drums and eat healthier!" he cracks us up!!!!

1 comment:

Bobbi said...

we heart those jarvis boys too! they are both so fun and full of personality! we are so blessed that they are part of our lives!