Friday, December 19, 2008

some funny jack stories!

Jack is lovin' Christmas time! He goes through the house singing carols...they aren't exactly the right words...but they are super funny, so we just let him sing! Here are a few of them....

"Deck the cows with cows and jolly...fa la la la la la la la la"

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. it's so much fun it makes me want to say HEY HEY HEY!"

I did teach him the little jingle bells, batman smells version and he thought it was about the funniest thing ever!

Bob and I were talking about how we really want to teach him the real meaning of CHRISTmas and that we didn't want it to be all about getting gifts....I just said "hey buddy, you know the real reason we celebrate Christmas, don't you? it is someone's birthday- and they are VERY SPECIAL!!" Jack said..."GiGi?" (this is my sister for those of you who don't know!?!?) WOW...we have a lot of teaching to do! He is "getting it" more and more each day....

He is also having a really tough time with all the gifts under the tree and not knowing what they are...I really think he is a mini me sometimes! I do not like surprises at all! I mean...if it is a true surprise and I don't know it's coming it's great...but a bunch of gifts that are wrapped and you just have to wait for a certain day to open them drives me bonkers! Well, the first day that the gifts were out Jack came running in my room and said "mom, you are not going to believe this but I think Santa came last night!" I said "oh, mommy wrapped the presents last night when you were sleeping..." he said "no, I really think it was Santa!" then he asked me if he could open them...of course I said no and then he asked me if I would just tell him what was in them... Bless his heart!

1 comment:

leahduke said...

He is precious! Avery is the same way with the gifts under the tree. She just does not quite understand!! So much fun!!!