Monday, December 29, 2008

The Jonas ....I mean Jarvis Brothers!

We had a GREAT Christmas! I am sad that it is over ...but ready for things to be a little calmer around here! December is always so busy....It will be nice to get back in the groove of things!My sweet parents got my boys drum sets for Christmas this year! They LOVE them! I thought they looked so cute! without anyone telling him to do it Jack tapped his little drum sticks together and said "a one, a two, a one two three four!" how funny is that?
Jack showing us some of his best moves!
Sammy is such a big boy now! He loved Christmas and acted so big all day! He wanted anything and everything that his big brother had!
We have enjoyed lots of fun family time over the last has been nice to relax and just let the boys play at home with their new toys! I have lots more to write about and about 100 pics to look through....but I thought that I would at least get a few of our new boy band up tonight! Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!


Allyson Bibb said...

That is so cute! I bet that the boys LOVED the drums! We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas. Love you!

Jan said...

Just one question...did they take the drums home or leave them with Mimi & Poppy??? hehe

Laura said...

Oh Jan...Poppy loaded them for us! hehehe